التدخين السلبي بالانجليزي

كتابة خليل العتيبي - تاريخ الكتابة: 15 أكتوبر, 2020 10:13 - آخر تحديث : 29 أغسطس, 2021 7:12
التدخين السلبي بالانجليزي

التدخين السلبي بالانجليزي واهم اضراره الصحية على الفرد والمجتمع من خلال هذه السطور التالية.

:Passive smoking

Secondhand smoke inhaling the smoke from tobacco products used by others. It is called secondhand smoke – SHS or environmental tobacco smoke – ETS. This occurs when exposure to tobacco smoke that penetrates into any environment, causing those inside that environment to inhale it. Scientific evidence has proven that exposure to second-hand smoke causes illness, disability and even death.

Harms of secondhand smoke?

In addition to the annoyance caused by the smell of cigarette smoke, passive smoking increases the severity of diseases that a non-smoker suffers from, and it can also cause other health problems.
The health risks of a passive smoker are less dangerous when compared to an actual smoker, and the health risks increase with the increase in the duration and intensity of exposure to smoke.

Damages of secondhand smoke to the fetus:

With every cigarette smoke that reaches the fetus, research has found that the rate of blood flow that reaches the placenta decreases for a period of up to 15 minutes, which leads to an increase in the fetal heart rate and it is known that the placenta is the main organ through which all nutrients are delivered. From mother to fetus.
The proportion of oxygen that reaches the lungs of the fetus decreases by 40%, which greatly affects its weight, and the reason for this is that carbon monoxide contributes significantly to the growth of the fetus’s organs, and therefore we find that the weight of the newborn at birth is low compared to normal children.
Secondhand smoke plays a large role in congenital anomalies, as well as the possibility of them having defects in its internal organs.
Secondhand smoke plays a big role in infecting fetuses with some chronic diseases such as diabetes and vascular diseases, immediately after their birth.
Mothers who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more prone to miscarriage than a normal mother, and the matter does not extend to the risk of miscarriage only, but rather to the birth of the fetus before the date set for it, or the sudden death of the child after his birth is what is known as sudden infant death syndrome, which is about The death of the child suddenly or unexpectedly during sleep, which is one of the mysteries of medicine, as the tests that the child was in good health before death.
Mothers who are exposed to secondhand smoke experience bleeding, as they are more prone to bleeding than normal mothers.
Mothers who are exposed to secondhand smoke reduce their chances of breastfeeding their newborn baby with natural milk, as breastfeeding is considered one of the best nutritional alternatives, and there is no alternative for it equal and advantages to its true value.

Harmful effects of secondhand smoke for non-smoking adults:

Exposure of non-smokers to smoke from cigarettes can increase the risk of heart attacks
If a person smokes, it exposes a life partner to a 25% higher incidence of lung cancer
It causes sinus cancer
Secondhand smoke affects the arteries and doubles the incidence of stroke

How do we protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke?

The best way to protect non-smokers from the dangers of secondhand smoke is to stop the smoker permanently, and if he does not intend to stop smoking, you must respect the following standards:
You should not smoke in the presence of non-smokers, especially children and pregnant women
The law to ban smoking in closed public places that receive the general public must be respected, and smoking must be avoided in workplaces (departments, companies, health institutions, commercial stores …), in transportation, airports, train stations, and inside schools, prep schools, Secondary schools, whether public or private.

How to get rid of the effects of secondhand smoke:

Cessation of smoking: one of the most important factors by which passive smoking can be eliminated in general. If a person is present inside the house and they do not have enough will and determination to reduce or stop smoking, he must smoke outside the places where children are, preferably in open places Such as balconies and other ventilation openings.
Guests and smoking If one of your guests is accustomed to smoking in exotic places, or during a family visit, you can with all taste and politeness ask him to go to the balcony so that he can smoke, or perhaps delay smoking for the time being because the health of our children is safe in our hands, so it must be preserved .
Stopping smoking in the car is one of the things that many men do not realize is smoking inside the car, and perhaps when talking to a parent he tells you that the car is an open place, and that the windows are open, but dear reader we do not advise you to do such habits, which he does not know Many people say that cigarette smoke reaches your child’s nose even in small quantities, in addition to the presence of cigarette remains inside the car, so stop this habit inside the car, to protect your child.
Avoid being indoors in general, as it has a large role in the harms of secondhand smoke.
We, as parents, must spare our children the places where a group of people tend to smoke, for example, we must reduce the presence of our children in cafeterias or coffee shops that are full of smokers, frequenting these places maximizes the effects of passive smoking.
There is no objection to ensuring the provision of a group that does not smoke, not our children, or in the sense that it is more correct to have around them an environment free of children, we must focus on people who accompany our children or woo them to be non-smokers in order to ensure good health for them, we ensure that the group of teachers who do By teaching non-smokers, so are the coaches in the club, and other people that our children interact with regularly.