معنى زهرة النرجس بالانجليزي

كتابة راكان الشهري - تاريخ الكتابة: 17 ديسمبر, 2021 11:46
معنى زهرة النرجس بالانجليزي

معنى زهرة النرجس بالانجليزي و كيفية كتابة اسم نرجس بالانجليزي و اسم نرجس بالانجليزي كتابة وزهرة النرجس بالفرنسية كل ذلك نقدمه لكم في هذه السطور التالية.

معنى زهرة النرجس بالانجليزي

The narcissus plant, Al-Qadh, Al-Fago, or Al-Faghia is a plant genus belonging to the Narcissus family that includes between 50 and 100 species. The plant grows from an early winter onion perennial.
The original home of most types of narcissus is central Asia and the Mediterranean basin, from which it was transferred to the Americas by the first colonists. The onion consists of fleshy scales and paper bases. The daffodil plant kills its enemies, it kills any plant that grows next to it, and the daffodil is a plant of many types. It appears in the winter and after rain. Narcissus is one of the most popular flowers in the world, especially in Spain, and ancient legends tell that the narcissus flower was a boy who admired himself very much, and while he looked at his reflection in the water, the image turned into a narcissus flower, and the description of narcissism is given to a person who admires himself to the point of vanity. To grow it: Narcissus prefers dry soil and an environment with light sun and shade. Narcissus should be planted in the fall, at a depth of 15 cm in the soil. And when the plant blooms, it is preferable to keep it away from the sun and create a cool weather for it.

معلومات عن زهرة النرجس بالانجليزي

narcissus cultivation
The daffodil flower can be grown in almost all regions, as it is native to Spain, Portugal, Austria, and France. It is worth noting that the first bulbs of daffodil reached Great Britain in about 1400 AD, and after a short period of time they were transferred to North America. The extent of the flower’s hardness depends on the origin of its bulb, and its cultivation should be in the fall, before frost occurs, and this is due to the fact that flower bulbs need cold temperatures during the winter, as it helps in root growth in preparation for flowering in the spring, It is important to take care of it in order to preserve the beauty of its flowers, as it is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world.
The narcissus flower needs a suitable environment for growth, it needs slightly acidic soil with good drainage, as it is often planted on a hillside or at a low bottom, as, as mentioned, soil drainage is very important for this flower so that its bulbs do not rot, and it It prefers sunny areas although it may grow in partly sun. As for the flowering time of daffodils, it depends on the region in which it was planted, and it usually blooms in the period between the beginning of March and the middle of May, as it is often one of the first flowers seen in the spring.
It is worth noting that the narcissus flower needs to be watered well after planting it, especially if the winter is dry, and it must be continued to be fertilized. It is important when the flower dies that its dead leaves are not removed, because it helps supply the bulbs with energy for the next season to bloom.
narcissus flower ingredients
The daffodil flower consists of two main areas, the petals or the tree, and the cup or the halo, which attracts the eye to this flower, which makes it distinct from other types of flowers, as its shape is like a wreath, which gives the flower an excitement and attractiveness that distinguishes it from others. This flower can also have slender stems that may be long or short, with a length of approximately 40.64 cm, in addition to its lightweight green leaves that grow from the bulb, reaching approximately 30.48 cm in length.
reason of calling
The reason for naming the charming daffodil flower goes back to Ibn Cephisus, as this young man saw the reflection of his image on the water of the fountain and thought that he saw a nymph of the place and jumped to her, which caused his death. When the nymphs came to receive his body, they found a flower and named it Narcissus, which is the name of that young man in his honor. Plutarch mentioned that it was named after the Greek narcissus, a narcotic, and this indicates that the narcissus flower is a drug-producing plant.

أنواع النرجس الواطنة في الوطن العربي بالانجليزي

White-edged Narcissus (Latin: Narcissus albimarginatus) is native to the Maghreb
Narcissus atlanticus (Latin: Narcissus atlanticus) is native to the Maghreb
Narcissus high mountains (Latin: Narcissus supramontanus) in Iraq
Narcissus leathery (Latin: Narcissus rupicola) is native to the Maghreb, Spain and Portugal
The delicate narcissus (Latin: Narcissus papyraceus) is native to the Maghreb, the Balkans, and the western Mediterranean.
Narcissus common (Latin: Narcissus tazetta) is native to the Levant, the Maghreb, the Nile Valley and the Mediterranean basin
Narcissus tingitanus (Latin: Narcissus tingitanus) is native to the Maghreb
Cantabrian Narcissus (Latin: Narcissus cantabricus) is native to the Maghreb and Spain
Late Narcissus (Latin: Narcissus serotinus) is native to the Maghreb and Spain
The neglected narcissus (Latin: Narcissus obsoletus) is native to the Levant, the Maghreb, and the northern Mediterranean basin.
Narcissus leaf (Latin: Narcissus foliosus) is native to the Maghreb

فوائد زهرة النرجس بالانجليزي

decorating the entrances to houses and their balconies; It spreads a fragrant fragrance in the air.
Abdominal pain relief and a laxative; And that is by boiling the bulbs of narcissus and drinking the soaked, while the bulbs are prohibited to be eaten, and they are repellent for worms and heal stomach ulcers.
Treatment and medication for depression by the narcissus flower This is what science has recently discovered, as the compounds of this flower work to relieve depression and improve the functioning of the brain and brain cells.
Narcissus oil is massaged into the body, strengthening and developing nerves, relieving convulsions, and making perfumes and cosmetics.
Make an air freshener from narcissus water, add jasmine water and any other aromatic water, and a few drops of musk, and put it in an airtight bottle for two weeks, then put it in a sprayer and spray it in the room or on the bed.
Increasing the sexual ability of a man.
Make a hair cream by soaking narcissus leaves in olive oil for two weeks, then using an electric mixer, mix the ingredients until they become creamy and put on the hair; It works to increase its density and prevent its fall.
Treatment and medicine for split hair using a narcissus mask consisting of the following: oils, namely olive, castor, almond, pumpkin, aloe vera leaves, and narcissus flowers. On the fire until it boils, then leave to cool, filter and apply to the roots and ends of the hair.